Fishing Stories

How is it possible to miss someone you've never met? My Grampy Bolster died when I was 3 years old, so I have no real memories of him, just stories my mom and dad affectionately tell me. An ambitious, quiet, logical, deep man. A self taught Stationary Engineer by trade (yay homeschooling!), Charles Atlas directed fitness guru, hobby inventor and legendary fisherman. He took power naps on the floor at noon, spoke little and had a dry, witty sence of humor. He loved solitude and learning. This is what I know of Grampy B...sounds a bit like his first little girl It haunts me a little that I have such a deep love for him and yet, only he would remember me. Maybe that's love for him comes from his love for me. You can love and know someone you've never met, and yes, even miss them. Painting this image taken by my grandmother, most likely, on the Nashwaak River, is a favorite of mine, and was an emotional paint...but a good experience. I still can't see his face, but he looks like the stories I've heard. I think it's time to ask for more Grampy Bolster stories from people who knew I can get to know him better.


“Being Somewhere”


Silver Lining